Children in Need of Books
I needed to talk to Ken Landiault, but his missionary adventures bring him all over the world. He is not easy to track down. The last time
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“When disasters strike and poverty produces pain a little “good cheer” and a helping hand go a long long way….
Read More“When sorrow or pain come knocking, bringing relief and cheer is our aim. See the many ways we accomplish this. ….
Read More“Positive action produces positive change, and deeds of giving help the hurting rise up again. Thank you for caring! Your donation makes a big difference! So don’t delay – Donate Today!”
Read MoreSending 25,000 school books, 100 computers and funny clowns to destroyed schools in the Philippines. …
Read MoreA fund raising project to provide books to schools devastated by typhoon Haiyan in Leyte, Philippines as well as to donate other things needed by the victims.
In Tacloban, the area worst hit by Hurricane Yolanda, 32 schools were severely damaged, and their books washed away by 16 foot Tidal Waves. 14.6 million people were immediately homeless and as many as 38,000 people lost their lives. We can’t bring back their lives, but we CAN bring back their EDUCATION — the most direct path out of poverty! We HAVE the books, we just need your help to ship them there.
16 foot tidal waves hit the mainland of Tacloban, Philippines, damaging school infrastructures and destroying books and equipment . In spite of the difficulties the very resilient Filipinos have continued to “have school” even under plastic bags for roofs. The need for books is URGENT!
I needed to talk to Ken Landiault, but his missionary adventures bring him all over the world. He is not easy to track down. The last time
The Health Benefits of Humor and Laughter
Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and
In Part 2: “The Making of a Phenomenon” a wealthy Peruvian changed Kenneth Landiault’s life when he insisted Ken entertain at his daughter’s birthday party as a
By Teena L Myers
on December 12, 2011 at 6:00 AM, updated
The woman who led Ken to Christ on the campus of the University of Ottawa
It was a quick but productive trip to Puerto Plata, of the Dominican Republic.The orphanage called Tesoros de Dios (God’s Treasures) has 42 orphans and only 2
We can't bring more cheers to the world without your help.